The CMDA IT Lab was Inaugurated on the 29th of May 2024

  May 29,2024


Computers & Media Dealers Association (CMDA), Pune was established in 1992 as a Charitable Trust with the aim to foster relationships between its members, help the members in their times of crisis and above all to provide help and guidance to the society by donating IT equipments to needy institutes and working to make the public aware of the latest trends in the IT industry.

Every year, under the charity program, CMDA, Pune donates IT Equipment to schools run for the physically and mentally challenged students, institutes which work for the empowerment of girl student and also schools which work for the upliftment of students from the economically backward class. This year the CMDA Managing Committee had identified Bharat English School, located at Shivaji Nagar, Pune, to be the recipient of our donation in the form of a fully functional IT Lab for its students.

The CMDA IT Lab was inaugurated on the 29th of May 2024 in the presence of the Chairperson of Vidya Pracharak Sabha – Dr.Garware, Society Trustees, School Principal Mrs. Kshirsagar, School Staff, CDMA – Pune President – Mr. Shamsunder Bhandari, VP & Treasurer Mr. Kausar Dabhiya and the entire CMDA Committee.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kausar Dabhiya said that CMDA, Pune was keen to keep this activity going on for the years to come and were proud to contribute in their way towards nation building. He pointed out that in today’s scenario, being computer literate was a given since every aspect of our life was now connected digitally.

CMDA, President Mr. Shamsunder Bhandari thanked the School for been given a chance to serve the students and hoped that the School would inculcate a spirit of learning amongst the students and the IT LAB provided to the school would go a long way in uplifting the knowledge and computer literacy of the students. He advised the students to use social media prudently and use the IT LAB to hone their programming skills.

Dr. Garware thanked the CMDA committee for their generous gesture and expected that the association with CMDA would go a long way in future. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Bhagwat and thanks giving was done by Mr. Mane.